Fresh concrete recycling plants

The Alquezar concrete recycling plants undertake a dual function within the concrete recycling process: they obtain perfectly washed aggregate and control the concentration of solids in suspension in the recycled water for re-use in the preparation of concrete.

The main recycler unit is comprised of a metal drum, where the concrete to be recycled is placed together with the necessary amount of water. The drum, which can be open or closed, incorporates a series of blades and buckets that wash the concrete and make it advance towards its discharge end.

The aggregate washed inside the drum is placed on the stockpiling screw conveyor, which strains the aggregate, discharging it and then stockpiling it.

It is essential to obtain recycled water with the least concentration of solids possible, to use the greatest amount possible of recycled water when preparing new concrete. Firstly, the waste wash water is discharged with a waste water pump and it is cycloned through a polyurethane hydrocyclone, which separates the waste water flow in two differentiated volumes: Water with thick particulates, which is returned to the wash drum, and water with fine particles, which is deposited in a waste water pool.

This waste water pool has stirrers to prevent the decantation of the cement and aggregate fines.

The concentration of solids in the water can be controlled by a comparative weighing scale system, so we can adjust the quantity of solids in suspension introduced into the concrete plant together with the recycled water.


Model     RHA-20 RHT-25 RHA-30
Maximum production (m3/h) 20 25 30
Type of recycler     open with mesh closed drum open with lid
Drum driving power (kw) 7.5 2 x 3 14.5
Maximum aggregate size (mm) 32 32 32
Separation cut-off (mm)     0.2 0.2 0.2
Extractor screw conveyor diameter (mm)     325 325 325
Extractor screw conveyor length (mm) 4,000 4,000 4,000 or 6,000
Maximum lorry unloading     1 lorry 2 lorries 4 lorries
Metal decantation pools with stirrers Optional (1 or 2 pools)
Metal clean water pool         Optional
Waste water pump Optional
Solid reducer polyurethane cyclone Optional
Discharge pumps to concrete plant     Optional
Solid concentration control scale     Optional



Main Location

Polígono de Malpica, c/F, naves 19-20, 50.016 Zaragoza – España (Spain)
+34 976 57 24 10

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