Concrete plant at DAIVOES in Portugal

Alquezar has already finished the assembling and commissioning of the concrete plant for the hydroelectric dam of Daivoes, in Portugal.
This is an important project comprised of three parts: Concrete Plant; Stockpiling and Transport of aggregates; Stockpiling of cement, Ashes and Pneumatic Conveying system.
The concrete plant is a dual plant, with BHS Sonthofen twin-shaft horizontal mixers, each one with 4.5 m³ capacity. These twin-shaft mixers admit aggregates of up to 150 mm. The total capacity of the plant is 250 m³ per hour.
The temperature control in this project is critical, so the entire plant is manufactured with sandwich panel installation, rock wool coating and thermal paint. The aggregates are cooled with cold water and ice flakes.
The construction of the Daivoes dam project is carried out by a consortium of construction companies, led by the company, Ferrovial.