Legal Notice and Information about the conditions of use of the website

Legal Notice

Identification data of the website owner

In agreement with the duty of disclosure stipulated in article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Trade, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, S.A. (from hereinafter, “TALLERES ALQUÉZAR“), as owner of the website informs you of the identification data required by the aforementioned standard:

Corporate name: TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, S.A.

Registered office: Polígono Malpica, Calle F nº 19; 50016 Zaragoza

Tax number: A-50058924

E-mail address:

Registration data in the Trade Register: Volume 3028, sheet 187, page 3571.


This information constitutes and regulates the conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations that the users of the Webpage, which is published under the domain name of, assume and undertake to respect.



“Page”: domain, which is placed at the disposal of Internet Users.

“User”: physical or legal person that uses or navigates through the Page.

“Content”: pages that make up the entire domain, which constitute the information and services that TALLERES ALQUÉZAR places at the disposal of Internet Users. These pages contain messages, texts, photographs, charts, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, aspect, graphic design and source codes, and in general, any type of material contained in the Page.

“Web”: technical word that describes the access system to the information via Internet, which is configured by means of pages prepared with HTML language or similar, and programming mechanisms such as Java, JavaScript, PHP or others, etc. These pages, designed and published under an Internet domain name, are the result of the information that the owner places at the disposal of Internet Users.

“Hyperlink”: technique that enables Users to navigate through different pages of the Web, or the Internet, just by clicking on the text, icon, button or indication that contains the link.

“Cookies”: technical means to be able to “trace” and monitor navigation on websites. They are small text files that are written in the User’s computer. This method effects privacy, so TALLERES ALQUÉZAR will appropriately and adequately inform of their use when they are implemented on the Page.


Conditions of use

The simple and mere use of the Page grants the condition of Page user, whether the party using it is a natural or legal person. This necessarily implies unreserved, complete and full acceptance of each and every one of the clauses and general conditions included in the Legal Notice. If the User does not agree with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, he shall abstain from using the Page.

This Legal Notice is subject to changes and updates so the version published by TALLERES ALQUÉZAR may be different each time the User accesses the Portal. So, the User must read the Legal Notice every time he accesses the Page.

Through the Page, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR provides Users with access to and use of different Contents published over the Internet by TALLERES ALQUÉZAR or by authorised third parties.

Users are obliged and undertake to use the Page and the Contents in agreement with the applicable legislation, the Legal Notice and any other notice or instructions they have been informed of, either by means of this legal notice or in any other place within the Contents that make up the Page, as well as with standards for co-existence, morality and generally accepted good customs.

For this purpose, the User undertakes and promises NOT to use any of the Contents for illegal purposes or ends, that are forbidden in the Legal Notice or by the applicable legislation, harmful for the rights and interests of third parties, or that may, in any way, harm, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, the computer equipment or documents, files and any type of contents stored in any computer equipment, either owned or hired by TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, of other Users or of any Internet user (hardware and software).

The User undertakes and promises not to transmit, disseminate, or place at the disposal of third parties, any kind of material contained in the Page, such as, but not limited to, information, texts, data, contents, messages, charts, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logotypes, makes, icons, technology, photographs, software, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material that he may have access to as a Page User.

Likewise, in agreement with the above, the User may not:

-Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any way publicly notify, transform or modify the Contents, without the explicit written authorisation from TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, which is the owner of the relative rights, or unless this is legally permitted.

-Eliminate, manipulate or in any way alter the copyright and other identification data of the reservation of rights of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, or of its owners, of the digital identifiers and/or footprints, or of any other technical means established to be able to recognise it.

The User must abstain from obtaining or even trying to obtain the Contents using different means or procedures to those that, according to the cases, have been placed at his disposal for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the Web pages where the Contents are located or, in general, to those that are normally used on the Internet for this purpose, so long as they do not entail a risk of damaging or rendering useless the Page and/or of the Contents.


Intellectual property

All the makes, trade names or distinguishing signs of any kind that appear on the Page are the property of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR or, where appropriate, of third parties that have authorised their use. The use or access to the Portal and/or to the Contents cannot be construed as assigning any right to the User over the aforementioned makes, trade names and/or distinguishing signs, or that any of the operating rights that exist or may exist over these Contents are assigned to the User.

Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR or of third parties where appropriate. Therefore, the intellectual property rights belong to TALLERES ALQUÉZAR or to the third parties that have authorised their use, the latter being responsible for the exclusive exercise of the operating rights of such content in any form and, especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

The unauthorised use of the information contained on this Website, as well as the infringement of Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR or of third parties included in the Page that have assigned contents, shall give rise to the legally established liabilities.



Those people who propose to establish hyperlinks between their Web page and the Page must observe and satisfy the following conditions:

-Prior authorisation will not be necessary when the Hyperlink only permits access to the home page, but it will not be possible to reproduce it in any way. Any other form of hyperlink shall require the express and unequivocal authorisation in writing from TALLERES ALQUÉZAR.

-No frames will be created with the Web pages or on the Web pages of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR.

-No false, inexact or offensive expressions or indications will be made about TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, its directors, its employees or collaborators or people who are related to the Page for any reason, or the Page Users or the contents supplied.

-It will not be declared and it will not be construed that TALLERES ALQUÉZAR has authorised the Hyperlink or that it has in any way supervised or assumed the Contents offered or placed at the disposal of the Web page where the Hyperlink is established.

-The Web page where the Hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.

-The Web page where the Hyperlink is established will not contain illegal information or contents, contrary to morality, to the generally accepted good customs or to public order; neither will it contain contents contrary to any rights of third parties.



Cookies are the technical means used to be able to “trace” and monitor navigation on Websites. They are small text files that are written in the User’s computer. This method has implications on privacy, so TALLERES ALQUÉZAR informs that it may use cookies in order to prepare statistics of use of the website as well as to identify the User’s PC, so that it can be recognised in future visits. In any case, the user may configure his navigator so as not to permit the use of cookies during visits to the website.


Availability of the Page

TALLERES ALQUÉZAR does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in access to the Page, to its Contents or that these will be up-to-date, although it will devote its best efforts, where appropriate, to avoid them, correct them or update them, Consequently, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR declines any responsibility for any type of damages that may be caused to the User, resulting from faults or disconnections in the telecommunications network that may produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service whilst such service is being provided or prior to it.

TALLERES ALQUÉZAR excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in the applicable legislation, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to lack of availability, continuity or quality of the functioning of the Page and of the Contents, to non-compliance with the expectation of usefulness that the users may be able to attribute to the Page and to the Contents.

The sole function of the Hyperlinks that appear on this Web site is to inform users about the existence of other websites that contain information about the subject. These Hyperlinks do not constitute any kind of a suggestion or recommendation.

TALLERES ALQUÉZAR decline responsibility regarding the contents of these linked pages, the functioning or usefulness of the Hyperlinks and regarding the results of these links. It does not guarantee either, the absence of virus or other elements on the websites that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), the documents or files of the user, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

Access to the Page does not imply any obligation by TALLERES ALQUÉZAR to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer elements. In any case it is the User’s responsibility to have adequate tools to detect and disinfect harmful computer programs; therefore, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR does not assume any responsibility for any possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the service of the Page, or for possible damages that might occur to the user’s or to third parties’ computer systems (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of virus in the user’s computer used to connect to the services and contents of the Website, for the incorrect functioning of the navigator or the use of non-updated versions of the same.


Quality of the Page

Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services that are supplied over the Page, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR devotes its best efforts, but it does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and/or topicality of the Contents.

The information contained in the pages that comprise this Portal is only for information, consultative, dissemination and advertising purposes. The pages do not offer nor are they considered to have a binding or contractual commitment, in any case.


Limitation of liability

TALLERES ALQUÉZAR excludes all liability for decisions that the User may take based on this information, as well as for possible typing errors that the documents and charts of the Page may contain. The information is submitted to possible periodic changes of its content, without prior notice, due to enlargement, improvement, correction or updating of the Contents.



All notifications and communications made by TALLERES ALQUÉZAR to the User by any means shall be considered efficient for all intents and purposes.


Availability of Contents

The service provided with the Page and its Contents has, in principle, an indefinite duration. TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, however, is authorised to terminate or suspend the service of the Page and/or of any of the Contents at any time. When this is reasonably possible, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR shall previously inform of the termination or suspension of the Page.


Personal Data Protection

TALLERES ALQUÉZAR is aware of the importance of the privacy of personal data and therefore it has implemented a data processing policy aimed at providing maximum security in the use and inclusion of such information, guaranteeing compliance with the political regulation on the matter and configuring this policy as one of the basic pillars of the company’s action lines.

When navigating through the website, personal data may be requested by means of different forms provided for this purpose. These data will form part of the relevant files in agreement with the specific reason for their collection.

Thus, the particular information for each data processing will be provided together with each website form, the responsible party for the file being common to all of them: TALLERES ALQUÉZAR with address at Poligono Malpica, Calle F, nr, 19; 50016 Zaragoza. Common to all are also the place and way of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, which must be formalised in writing to the address indicated above, enclosing a copy of the national identity document or equivalent identification document.

In the event that the user provides his data through an e-mail message, this will form part of a file whose aim will be to manage the request or comment made to us. All the other issues indicated in the above paragraph will be applicable.

Likewise, the general service contracting conditions of TALLERES ALQUÉZAR contain the characteristics and nature of the data processing that will be developed by it in the event that any of these services is contracted.

On the other hand, TALLERES ALQUÉZAR has implemented the technical and organisational measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the Personal Data that the interested parties may have provided as a result of access to the different sections of the website, applying the security measures contemplated in Royal Decree 1720/2007, 21 December, which approves the implementing regulation of Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, on Personal Data Protection.



With respect to all those questions that may arise about the interpretation, application and compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that might be derived from its use, all the intervening parties submit themselves to the Judges and Courts of Zaragoza, expressly relinquishing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


Applicable legislation

The Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.

Copyright© 2019 – TALLERES ALQUÉZAR, S.A.

All copyright is reserved by the international laws and treaties on intellectual property. Consequently, its total or partial copy, reproduction or dissemination, by any means, is totally prohibited.


Main Location

Polígono de Malpica, c/F, naves 19-20, 50.016 Zaragoza – España (Spain)
+34 976 57 24 10

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