Fixed washing plants

Fixed aggregate washing installations. The Alquezar washing plants are designed to process all types of minerals, of very different sizes and natures, adapting to the different washing degrees that these may require.

Our aggregate washing plants are designed to make the most efficient use of the water required in this process, minimising the water consumption per ton of material processed insofar as possible

In fixed installations, the washing is done in three phases. A primary wash, with washing trommels or pallet washers, when a first cleaning process is carried out on the larger-sized materials. Later, we pass this prewashed aggregate through a vibrating classifying screen with water showers, to finish off this cleaning of the thick aggregate, leaving it clean and classified. Finally, the mixture of water, sand and fines obtained from the first two classification phases, is taken to a cyclone sand recovery system or hydrocyclone. In this last installation, we separate the sand from the finer materials, such as sand and silt. The sand thus obtained is suitable for use in concretes, asphalts and mortars.


Main Location

Polígono de Malpica, c/F, naves 19-20, 50.016 Zaragoza – España (Spain)
+34 976 57 24 10

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